Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007 Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP

By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang Terkandung
Reviewed by: Yudha Prihadi (10313244026)/ International Mathematics Education

In the era of globalization, many emerging software that can be used for the media of learning mathematics. One of them is Microsoft Word 2007. Microsoft Word 2007 is very useful in learning geometry, especially in junior high school. Through this media both students and teachers can develop their skills in making a shapes of geometry, as well as make it easier for students to learn geometry. In addition both teachers and students will be more active, creative and innovative in learning geometry. By utilizing this media a teacher can maintain and even increase student interaction individually and in groups. In addition students can also investigate the problems that exist and resolve the issue properly. With this method of learning as a student will be easier to interact or communicate more easily with friends or teachers.

If a teacher is able to develop a method of learning mathematics is not only using a single media (Microsoft Word 2007), but were able to use various media, or other software that means the teacher is able to bring their students to follow the changing times. Thus, the teacher can increase the enthusiasm, creativity, and motivation in learning mathematics. Since learning of mathematics are made very attractive.

Source: http://staff.uny.ac.id

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