Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011


By: Marsigit
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang terkandung
Reviewed by Yudha Prihadi (10313244026)

Teaching at International school is not easy because we’ll find that the students also meet a obstacles to learning (Jaworski, 1994: 83). On the other hand, found the fact that it’s not easy for educators to change the teaching method  from the old paradigm to a new paradigm (Dean, 1982: 32). While we are required to constantly adjust our teaching methods in accordance in changing time (Alexander, 1994: 20).
In the international school, teacher should  be given the opportunity to determine the methods of learning that are tailored to the level of skills and materials. The problem is the difficulty in dealing with teacher's  general ability differences among students. So it will make a discrepancy between the intensity of communication with students who are good intellegent and students who are less intelligent. This case will cause a jealousy between them. Social interaction between teachers and students in the international school is necessary to achieve the real goal of international school and it can increase critical and creative culture in students.
Critical culture and creativity of  students in international school can be developed through creative learning activities. It can begin by defining the nature of the school. Ebbutt  S and Straker  A (1995) defines a school as learning activities such as: learning activities is the search activity patterns and relationships, learning activities require creativity, imagination, intuition and discovery, learning activities and the results need to be communicated, and learning activities are problem solving is part of the activities and social interaction required in the activity.
Learn to creatively indicate a relationship between humans and the differences between individuals in the capacity to think. The role of  individuals is very prominent and a student can be viewed as an evolving creature.
The tendency of a teacher who only oriented in final exam score will provide  incomplete knowledge, so students  will gain knowledge that is temporary and does not build a strong knowledge structures. Here the teacher is expected to overcome these problems by thinking creatively, how to change the old paradigm to a new paradigm to achieving an international  school.
Source: http://staff.uny.ac.id

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Pembudayaan Matematika di Sekolah untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Bangsa

By: Marsigit
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang terkandung
Reviewed by: Yudha Prihadi (10313244026)

It is not easy to cultivate math in school. Before we cultivate it, we need to know about mathematics education, mathematics learning, thinking of mathatematic, etc.. Katagiri (2004) describes that mathematical thinking involves three aspects: the attitudes of mathematic, the methods of thinking about mathematics and the content. Mathematics attitude shown by the indicators:  pleasure and sincere to learn mathematics, knowledge, curiosity, willingness to ask questions, the willingness to acquire skills and experience of mathematics.
In the effort to learn mathematics, students may need to develop procedures to solve a problem in mathematics. Through these procedures, students will learn mathematical concepts that have been actualized in theirself. Beside that, students should be given opportunities to engage in publications such as assignments or exams. Social interaction among students and teachers can form a critical culture, for the rectification of the wrong concepts.
Mathematics is considered as a language or human creativity. It is means any person have the right to present opinions and develop the potential that exists. In solving math problems each student has different abilities and different targets. So, every students need the opportunity, different treatment, and different facilities. Here a teacher in charge of creating a conducive environment, providing facilities etc.. The teacher's role is a manager, not just an educator.  Next, teachers should be develop a method of learning math, and make variations in teaching  like teaching technique  or reference that used.
Acculturation of mathematics in schools can emphasize the human relationships in the dimensions and appreciate individual differences in both the ability and experience.

Source: http://staff.uny.ac.id

The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics Learning with Some Teaching Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

By: Marsigit
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang terkandung
Direview oleh: Yudha Prihadi (10313244026)

Salah satu upaya seorang guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika di SMP adalah dengan membuat proses belajar mengajar menjadi menyenangkan, tidak membuat siswa merasa ketakutan dengan matematika. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengoptimalkan pengguanaan alat bantu pengajaran dalam proses belajar mengajar. Hal ini dinilai efektif dalam mengatasi masalah pembelajaran matematika di SMP 5 Wates, Kulon Progo pada tahun Ajaran 2001/2002. Penggunaan alat bantu mengajar atau alat peraga digunakan dalam upaya meningkatkan motivasi siswa di sekolah ini dalam belajar matematika.
Ada dua faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi siswa dalam belajar matematika, yaitu faktor eksernal dan faktor internal. Dalam faktor eksternal berarti seorang guru harus aktif dan kreatif dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswanya dengan memberikan sebuah ilustrasi ataupun alat-alat peraga yang mendukung proses pembelajaran. Sedangkan dalam faktor internal, guru berada dibelakang dan membiaarkan siswanya untuk mengetahui cara memecahkan masalah mereka dengan cara meereka sendiri, tetapi ia  juga harus tetap memberikan koreksi jika ada sebuah kesalahan.
Pembelajaran matematika di luar kelas (outdoor) dinilai efektif dalam mengurangi kebosanan dan meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar. Di sini siswa diberikan Lembar Kerja Siswa yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai macam persoalan matematika yang harus mereka selesaikan secara berkelompok. Dengan pembelajaran outdoor secara berkelompok ini diharapkan akan terjalin komunikasi yang baik antar siswa dan meningkatkan kepercayaandiri masing-masing siswa di luar kelas. Selain itu penggunaan bahan-bahan ajar seperti bilah bambu, karet, benang, papan dan barang-barang lainnya bisa mendukung proses dalam proses belajar di luar kelas. Siswa juga akan berpikir kreatif dalam memecahkan permasalan dengan cara mereka sendiri. Dengan begitu setiap siswa akan merasa santai dan merasa tidak terlalu terbebani akan tugas yang diberikan, dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar mereka.
Source: http://staff.uny.ac.id


By: Marsigit
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang terkandung
Reviewed by Yudha Prihadi (10313244026)

In the teaching-learning process a teacher sometimes meet a difficulties or obstacles in delivering material to students. Besides that, they are also required to adjust their teaching methods in accordance with the changing times.  It required an innovative learning to enhance students' motivation in learning. Cocroft Report (1982: 132) recommends that at every level of education, learning should provide opportunities for teachers to use the choice of teaching methods that are tailored to students' ability level. In the innovation of learning, a teacher have to think creatively (doesn’t  depend on guide books) and take more attention on the development of students' potential and student’s cognitive aspects, according to Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 60-75) assumptions about the characteristics of the subjects students and implications for learning is given as follows:
1.      Students  will learn if they have the motivation
The implications of this view are: to provide fun activities, pay attention to students' desires, creating a classroom atmosphere that supports learning, valuing every achievement of students, etc.
2.      Students studying in its own way
The implications of this view are: students learn in different ways and at different speeds, each student requires special experience, every student has adifferent  socio-economic backgrounds, different cultures. Therefore teachers need: (1) know the advantages and disadvantages of their students, (2) plan activities appropriate to the level of student ability, (3) build the knowledge and skills that he acquired a good student at school and at home, (4) using record student progress (assessment).
3.      Students learn both independently and in collaboration with his friend
The implications of this view for the business teachers are: to train cooperation, giving the opportunity to exchange ideas, provide an opportunity for students to study independently, etc.
4.      Students  need the context and the different situations in the study.
The implications of this view for the business teachers are: provide and use various props, giving the opportunity to learn in different places and circumstances, etc.

If these four things have been going well, it will display an attitude. Attitude is an individual's readiness to react or feel towards the object of psychology trend that is positive or negative attitudes. If students respond with a positive attitude, it’s means a teacher can be said to succeed in learning innovation. Furthermore, to be considered is the aspect of psychomotor development. A teacher have to know the student's skills in solving problems. Each student is given the opportunity to solve the problem in their own way.
Source: http://staff.uny.ac.id