Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


by: Yudha Prihadi 
Many students think that mathematics is difficult. But it is really wrong. It is depend on  the delivery of the material in accordance with the needs of students. Teachers should understand what students need and how to overcome the problems that arise in the learning process. Success or failure of a learning does not only depend on the teacher, but students and their environment is also very influential in this process, and there are many aspects that influenced.

A.                Introduction
Mathematics is not just a study of numbers, it is not about calculations or applying formulas. Mathematics can be described as a field of creation through accurate and logical thinking." Mathematics has a long, rich history and continues to grow rapidly. Mathematics, on the other hand, has made considerable contributions to the advancement of other academic fields. In fact, mathematics is often described as the foundation of scientific studies.
Sometimes, Mathematics is regarded as a scourge in learning at school. Many students often meet difficulties in learning Mathematics. Several factors influence this. Not only the teachers who play an important role in addressing this problem, both students and the environment is also very influential in addressing this problem.

B.                 Psychological Aspect of Mathematics Learning in School
Many students assume that Mathematics is so hard, but they are make a big mistake for think like that. In fact, Mathematics is so easy to study. An important aspect of how we perceive objects or people has to do with what we think they are or should be (Morris 1973). How Mathematics is perceived depends on what students themselves think Mathematics is. Because students are limited in what they can perceive, they are highly selective in whether they choose to perceive and that which is relevant to them. Different people will react differently even when they are from the same physical environment. They would not always have the same experiences, hence perceptions in Mathematics. Attitudes therefore relate to the way we act or react. The way we perform our thinking (perceptions) is what results in our attitudes. Our actions therefore depend on our attitudes.
To determine the success or failure of students in learning mathematics, we need to take a look on some important aspects of psychology, such as:
the nature of Mathematics, students, students differences, teacher and classroom learning environment. This the further explanation:

1.      The Nature of Mathematics
Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. The mathematicians look for patterns, to formulate new conjectures, and establish the truth through a rigid method of deduction mathematics from axioms and corresponding definitions. Mathematics systematically built and developed as a system, definitions,  and  axioma to built a new theorem.
Teach mathematics is not easy because in facts show that students have difficulties in learning mathematics (Jaworski, 1994 in Depdiknas 2003). In mathematics teaching-learning process, teacher should be adjust for student’s psychology, age, and based on their world.
As a candidate of mathematics teacher, we must know what is school mathematics. School Mathematics  is a Mathematics that has sorted out and adjusted to the stage of student’s intellectual development. It’s used to developing student’s thinking skill. In teaching Mathematics, teacher usually starting from the concrete to the abstract object. However, although the object of Mathematics is abstact, but the ability of  students are still in the concrete operational stage, so to understanding the concepts and principles, the students are still needed experience through concrete objects (Soedjadi, 1995:1). Ebbutt and Straker (1995:10-63) said school Mathematics is
1.      Mathematics is a search of pattern and relationship
The implication of this view of learning are give students the opportunity to conduct discovery and investigation patterns to determine the relationship, give an opportunity for students to have an experiment with many  ways,  encourage students to discover the existence of sequence , difference, comparison, grouping, and give a general conclusions.
2.      Mathematics as problem solving activities
The implication of this view of learning are help students to solve Mathematics problem using their own way, helping students to think creatively in solving problems (When we used the formula for the specific problem and how to apply this formula?), and  develop students' competency in problem-solving.
3.      Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention.
The implications of this view learning are give the initiative to the students to think differently with other, to encourage the curiosity of all things that are useful, dare to refute and value the opinions of their friends, and can be creative in solving any problems in mathematics.
4.      Mathematics as a means of communicating
The implication of this view of learning are to help students to recognize the properties in mathematics, as a means of communicating with one another in discussing about mathematics, encourage students to make examples of the nature of mathematics,  encourage students to explain the nature of mathematics, and encourage students to justify the need for math activities.

2.      Students
A student is person who is actively enrolled in a accredited educational institution and who is expected to spend a minimum aggregate of given hours per week in a classroom or similar institutional setting during the term of enrolment.
The students’ condition is very influential on success or failure of a process of learning Mathematics. Many things are influential in this process. Mathematics learning can be said to be effective or successful if:
1.      Students have motivation to learn mathematics
To motivate the student  we can  encouraged the studens to think about pleasant things. But not all students can be motivated  with the same things, because they come from different backgrounds and family.
2.      Students can work/study together with other
In this case students are expected to be able to cooperate and exchange their ideas  or help each other to solve problems, and it can help them to communicate with each other.
3.      Students learn Mathematics individually
 Students are not all alike. Each one sees the world in a way that makes the most sense to him/her such individualized perceptions shape what students think, how they make decisions, and how they define what is important. The perceptions also determine students' natural learning styles. In this case, students are expected to be able to develop their potential as they wish. Besides that, they are also expected to be more independent in solving their own problem in Mathematics.
4.      Students learn Mathematics contextually

3.      Students Differences
            The important things that teacher must be know that there are differences between their students. Not all students same. Each students has their own differences. The effective learning is when the teacher can respond the special needs of each students. This is the differences between each students. In Psychology, individual differences  means how someone different in thinking, feeling and acting. In addition, perception and intelligence of each student are very different. Therefore, a teacher is not allowed to be too imposing a teaching method to students. They should be given freedom in choosing how to solve a given problem. That way they will not feel compelled to learn.

4.      Teacher
A teacher is a person with multiple roles in the learning process. His role goes beyond the traditional roles of planning and assessing. He is ultimately responsible for what goes on in the classroom environment. He is expected to effectively educational needs of his students.
Nowadays, teachers must change their perspective in the Mathematics theacing-learning process. Today is very different from earlier times, student can not be forced to study or think about Mathematics. They must have their own motivation to learn, so the output can be realized.
In the old paradigm, students are regarded as an empty barrel that every day should be filled and refilled continuously. In the other words, the knowledge every day transformed from teacher to students continuously. But there is no reciprocity between the two. Students do not have the opportunity to develop their talents, because every day they only get the input and output can not be realized.
But in the new paradigm, students are regarded as individuals who have seeds and will grow into a better individual. The functions of a teacher include diagnosing, mediating, and facilitating in the classroom. This means that the teacher has to diagnose students' prior knowledge before bringing in new knowledge. As a facilitator, the teacher has to structure learning in such a way that good learning experiences are brought to the fore. This is done organizing activities that help students to actively participate in their own learning. As a mediator, the teacher should help in narrowing the gap between students' views about real scientific or mathematical knowledge. Teachers would be expected to accept changes in their interactions with students and support students as their roles change too. The role of teachers therefore will be that of facilitating and mentoring.
That's the reason why teachers have to change the paradigm from the old to new. Because at this time students are expected to be more able to develop their talent in accordance with the desire and talent they have, not by forced and without feel scared or uncomfortable with their teacher.

5.      Classroom Learning Environment
In Mathematics teaching-learning process, classroom environment is very influential in student development. The nature of the classroom environment and social interactions can make a difference in how students learn and achieve their goals. It has been revealed that learning outcomes and students' attitudes toward learning were closely linked to the classroom environment (Entwistle and Entwistle 1991, 2003).
Studies of Classroom Environments have demonstrated that perceived classroom environment can help predict student learning. For example, Haertel, Walberg and Heartel (1981) found that student environment improved in those classes, which students felt had greater and less cohesiveness, satisfaction and goal direction and less disorganization and friction. In order for the teaching of Mathematics to be effective, there is need to be a sound learning environment or "backdrop" as well as an effective program instruction and assessment. These two elements must go hand in hand and not necessarily distinguishable. This learning environment for Mathematics has many elements that will enhance learning. An affective Mathematics Learning environment is an environment that:
-          Value prior knowledge
-           make connections between that knowledge, the world of the students, and the stands and actions of Mathematics;
-          encourages the establishments of a community of Mathematics learners
-          focuses on important Mathematical concepts or big ideas,
-          explore excepts through problem solving
-          is supported by strong roles and of teachers, principal, senior administrator
-          is supported by the home
The learning environment as community of learners who feel that their knowledge and thoughts are valued, who feel safe to take risks in trying to solve problems and who are comfortable talking about their understanding of Mathematics.

C.                Conclussion
Both students and teachers interact in determining the success in learning mathematics at school. In addition, the methods used by a teacher greatly influence the development of their students. A good classroom environment and teachers are creative in managing the classroom can also enhance students' motivation in learning mathematics.

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