Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

International Perspective on Developing Method to Uncover Psychological Phenomena of Learning Mathematics

By: Yudha Prihadi

International perspective is the process of opinion and viewpoint that incorporates analysis and concerns from different parts of the world. Many times this multinational viewpoint originates from various national interests, which have outstanding concerns with one particular subject.
One of tehe problem in International perspective is to developing method in learning Mathematics. Exactly, it is not easy to developing methods in learning Mathematics in school. In this case, teacher becomes a major role in the process to developing this Mathematics learning method. Teacher not only focused on the output of the learning process but also teacher must focused in the process of learning. The method that given by teacher is very influental on the students’ psychological development. Nowadays, there are many existing method in teaching-learning Mathematics, but it make an educator or teacher feel confused, which method that suitable to be applied to students in learning Mathematics. This is very useful in meeting the demands of an international perspective.
Each method of learning Mathematics has drawbacks and advantages which vary according to era. An educator should be able to be open minded to the developing existing methods and take any positive point in each method. In traditional and modern Mathematics learning just focused on the mechanistics, structural, and empiric. New Mathematics can cover all of approach in Mathematics learning method which is focused on realistic. There are four important steps in realistic learning, such as introduction, creation, reason and explanation, and clossing. Introduction, students are given a problem and they are told to recognize and understand the problem. Creation, students are allowed to develop their creativity such as using symbols or develop formulas to solve the problem. Reason and explanation, students were  asked to provide feedback and explanation to the statement of the problem. Clossing, the teacher end the class  by giving a conclusion and application life squad from the material. In each steps must be given a reflection. Reflection is useful to interpret everything has been done before and to add their experience in learning Mathematics.
The role of a teacher is to develop teaching materials. They are not allowed to use only single way in delivering the materials. Teachers also have to think creatively in the teaching of Mathematics to enhance  students’ Mathematical thinking. Before starting to teach, teachers have to prepare many things in the learning process so that learning process goes according to plan. Teaching learning scheme is needed to help  teacher to delivered the material in a class. There are ten schemes, they are:
1.      Lesson Plan
Lesson plans are very useful to give references and limitation for the teacher to provide learning materials. Lesson plans are also useful for reducing or anticipate material that elapsed during the learning process, so all material can be delivered to students as well. With this lesson plan the teacher will be easier in delivering course material in sequence, from simple problems to more complex problems.
2.      Apperseption
Apperception means consciously observations about everything that is in itself a comparative basis and foundation to accept a new idea. So  a teacher must be open minds to the new ideas, so that their knowledge can flourish.
3.      Small group discussion
Small group discussions are useful in developing students’ ability in interact among the students. Small group discussion will help students to learn independently and  develop students' thinking ability and their confidence.
4.      Various Methods
Learning methods can vary greatly reduce the saturation of students in learning Mathematics. So here the teacher is also required to think creatively in varying methods of learning.
5.      Various Interaction
Various interaction mean at the time of learning, a student should be able to interact not only with teachers and friends only. Teachers create small groups that vary and the group is not permanent, but changing all the turn of the material. That way the student is not only able to interact with  certain students but also they  can be required to interact with other students in the class.
6.      Various Media
Instructional media are indispensable in any learning process and strongly supports the learning process. The media must be tailored to the learning materials provided at that time and should be interesting. This learning media should always be varied so that students do not quickly get bored.
7.      Student Reflection
Student reflection aims to give a meaning of the learning that has been given. Student reflection is usually done at the end of the lesson by the teacher. This is done so that students can take the meaning of the learning that done at that time.
8.      Scheme of Achieving
Each student achievement in mathematics learning process should be respected.  Form of praise or reward. This is done to continue to encourage and motivate students to learn Mathematics. If there are students who have achievement below the average, a teacher must always appreciate these achievements and  always motivated to be more advanced.
9.      Student Conclussion
Student conclussion aims to measure how much students understand the material that has been  given before. At the end of the lesson students are asked to summarize what they have learned at that time. Whether they understand or not the material that has been given. Student conclussion is used to stimulate students to make it easier to conclude a case.
10.  Student Worksheet
Student worksheet aims to measure how  students understand the material that has been given before. The student  worksheet usually  contains problems related to material that has been given previously. Usually worksheet contains levels of different issues, it aims to adjust the level of students that have different abilities too. Student worksheet should be made by the teachers themselves, because they are familiar with the conditions or the ability of each student.

From the ten schemes above we can know how to prepare a good learning of mathematics. Teachers should always take into consideration the development of their students, not just focus on the final exam only. Most important is the process. And there are four things that support this process, such as teacher thinking, development model, interaction between student and teacher, and Mathematical strand.

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