Senin, 26 Maret 2012


To improve our ability in mathematics education, we need to learn a variety of mathematical learning systems from different countries. That way we will have a broad view of mathematics education and we can apply the appropriate learning system when we become a teacher someday. One way is  watching a video about the lesson study in Japan. This video is about mathematics learning in grade 3 elementary schools in Japan about the multiplication algorithm.
The video shows how to solve a mathematics problem on the multiplication of numbers. First time, the teacher writes a problem on the blackboard and explained the problem to the students. Students are left to guess the intent of the question and let them started to think.
Then,  the teacher gives an illustration by using a paper containing the image of circle in  three rows, and each row contains 23 circles. They were asked to count the number of the existing circle. Then the teacher provided the illustrations for each student. Students are required to solve these problems in their own way and they were given a few minutes to complete. Teachers not only stay waiting  their work, but also he went around the classroom to check  and help them.
 After a few minutes, the teacher provides the opportunity for students to present their work. One by one they put forward their work. While the students' talk, the teacher wrote their work on the board so that all students in the classroom can be more clearly what is their friends talk about.
They do many ways in finding the answers to multiplication 23 to 3. The first way, they were devides the first line into two parts, the 20 circles and 3 circles. Then multiply each part by 3, so 20 times 3, and 3 times 3. Then the result of the multiplication are summed to get  60 +9 = 69.
The second is to likens the number 2 at 23 as a 10-yen coin, so 2 multiplied by 3 and we get the 6, and 3 multiplied by 3 equal to 9. Then, because two are assumed as 10-yen coin, so 6 is multiplied by 10 and the result is 60. Finally, add 60 with 9 and get 69 as the results.
Most of students doing their works by using the first approach. They assess the first approach is more effective in multiplying 23 times 3. But some students are arguing with each other even though they are the same answers. There is also another way to approach the answer but instead to explain the confusion.Alpha
Some of students use the way that has been given by a teacher at a previous meeting. So, there are no a lot of difficulties. The arguments they made were grounded on the concept that they have received at previous meetings.
After several minutes of discussion, and some students have submitted their work. Blackboard was already full with the results of their work. Finally, the teacher gives the conclusions of the problems that have been granted. The teacher explains the correct and effective steps and appropriate solutions to these problems.
From the video, it can be concluded that the learning of mathematics at grade 3 elementary schools in Japan is use a system of learning with problem-solving methods.
There are many positive and negative values ​​that we can take from this video.  The positive values that we can take from this video are teachers provide opportunities for students to find solutions of by their own way , train the thinking skills of each student, train speech ability and express their statement to the other student, train the confidence of each student, and student become more active in the classroom. While the negative side of this footage is the teacher does not allow students to explain their answers in front of  the class. So they just talk not do something. Sometimes the teacher is also confusion with their answers, so that often cut their conversation. Maybe in a way like it will save time and learning process do not take a long time.
Although done in that way, the learning system was considered appropriate in the learning of mathematics in primary schools. Because the teacher was actively involve students in the learning process. The teacher is seen as a facilitator who is ready to facilitate students in learning. The learning process is no longer centered on teachers, but student-centered. Students must be active in the learning process. Students are expected to solve math problems in their own way without any compulsion to use a particular method. There is no compulsion in learning, so that they can construct their own knowledge in their own way.
In addition students also need to be given a challenging problem, but not too difficult, so that students have a strong will to solve them. According Hermenberger & Reichel (in Posamentier, 1996:201): Students must have various opportunities to get down to easier problems themselves so that they get a chance to think about them and to develop solutions themselves (maybe with some minor hints).
If we do not provide a big  opportunity for students, it would mean that we are still of the view centered teachers. If so the atmosphere of the class will be dominated by teachers and students do not understand the lesson. It is reminded by Umran Inan (in Plooster, 1997:1) says: "The worst thing that can happen is to go along through a full hour without any questions. That might mean two things: a very remote possibility that you are extremely clear, but more often than not that you are not clear at all."

Plooster, N. 1997. Teaching Tips for TAs: 10 Suggestions for Teaching Problem Solving. California: TA Development Program, University of California.
Posamentier, A. S. & Stepelman, J. 1996. Teaching Secondary School Mathematics, techniques & enrichment units. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

The Characteristic and the Tendency of International Level of the Practice of Mathematics Teaching

According to the Indonesian dictionary, Mathematics is the study of numbers, and relationships among a number with others, and the operational procedures used in solving the problem of numbers. There are many ways that we can do to teach mathematics in schools. Each country apply different ways of teaching mathematics to students at school. Other cultures will make others ways in its delivery. It all depends on the needs of  student in the country.
In Indonesia, for learning mathematics in primary schools many teachers implement the thematic learning methods. Thematic learning is integrated learning that uses theme to tie in some subjects  to provide a meaningful experiences to students.
Thematic learning more emphasis on active student involvement in the learning process, so that they can gain direct experience and trained to be able to find their own knowledge. Through a direct experience, students will understand the concepts that they  learn and relate it to other concepts that have been understood. Thematic learning more emphasis on the application of the concept of learning by doing something.
Therefore, teachers need to repacking or designing learning experiences that will affect the meaningfulness of student learning. Learning experiences that show a link of conceptual elements make the learning process more effective. Conceptual connection between the subjects will form the scheme, so that students will acquire the unity and unanimity knowledge. In addition, the application of thematic learning in primary schools will help students, because according to the present stage of development of students who still see everything as a whole (holistic).
However, many teachers are not applying this method. In theach mathematics they are usually using expository methods  that very tedious. In addition, it is an ineffective way of learning mathematics, because students are not directly involved in the learning process. So that they can not build their own knowledge.
Primary schools in Australia are not much different from the primary schools in Indonesia. In Australia, they are using something like character buildings method, a method of learning that aims to build someones character through a meaningful learning.
In addition, in a learning process, students as the center, not a teacher anymore. Here, students are required to construct their own knowledge through learning experiences they have lived. Here, read be a challenge, with the aim of instilling habits of reading in students daily life.  Because by reading, their insight  will increase and can be used to build their knowledge.
In this school, all of students’ schedule are neatly arranged. There is no activity is missed.  All student activities embedded in the space that provided. All students can read it well and do the activities that have been scheduled. Not only the rules of the schedule of activities here, there are also rules about the use of facilities and infrastructure that used to support the learning process.
The teaching methods that used here not only expository,  but also with the current method of involving students in the learning process and outdoor group discussions. This approach is considered to be very effective in improving students' basic skills in learning, especially in mathematics. A discussion group will enhance students' ability to interact and socialize with other students. In addition, by discussing a mathematics problem, a student will be trained their confidence in expression and respect other people's opinions or decisions. While studying in the open air or outdoor functions to repel students’ boredom learn in the classroom. In addition, the outdoor learning will make students more interactive with their surroundings.
Computers are used for students at this school not only used  for learning but also used to create their own portfolio, which will be printed and then collected on the folder that has been provided. In  this school students are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t violate the rule or principles of the school (Confidence, Organization, Getting Along, Resilience, and Resistence).