Jumat, 04 November 2011


By: Marsigit
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang Terkandung
Reviewed by: Yudha Prihadi (10313244026)

From the results of research, showed that most mathatematics teachers are still using traditional learning methods, the teacher is more dominating in the teaching-learning process. So that teachers will have difficulty in achieving the goals of teaching-learning process. The  development in teaching- learning methods is need to solve this problem. Actually, at every level of mathematics learning should be a media for teachers to be able to realize the selection of one or several methods are dynamic and flexible: (1) Method of  Exposition, (2) Method of Discussion, (3) Method of Exercise and Granting Duty, (4) Method of discovery , (5) Method of Problem Solving, (6) Usage Viewer Tool. The development of this method is needed to meet the academic demands of students, improve student achievement, to encourage more active learning, encourage students to collaborate with other students, etc..
To overcome this problem is by create a worksheet (LKS). By LKS a teacher can encourage students to learn independently or in groups, to find alternative sources of reference and give students the opportunity to make a discovery. In addition, the learning method using the worksheets can be done individually or in groups (discussion). This could enhance cooperation and communication among students, train students in interacting, valuing others' opinions, etc.. However, this method would also have encountered many obstacles in its implementation. It is necessary for the  readiness of teachers in the implementation.
Source: http://staff.uny.ac.id